
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-11-02 17:38:22 英語六級 我要投稿
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11.M: I’m asked to pick up the guest speaker Bob Russel at the airport this afternoon, do you know what he looks like?

W: Well, he’s in his sixties, he stands out, he’s bald, tall and thin and has a beard.

Q: What do we conclude from the woman’s remarks about Bob Russel?

12. W: I’m considering dropping my dancing class. I’m not making any progress

M: If I were you, I’d stick with it. It#39;s definitely worth time and effort.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

13. W: You see I still have this pain in my back, this medicine the doctor gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now.

M: Maybe you should’ve taken it three times a day as you were told.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

14. M: Frankly, when I sat at the back of the classroom, I can’t see the words on the board clearly.

W: Well, you’ve been wearing those same glasses as long as I’ve known you. Why not get a new pair, it won’t cost you too much.

Q: What does the woman imply about the man’s glasses?

15. W: How come the floor is so wet? I almost slipped, what happened?

M: Oh, sorry! The phone rang the moment I got into the shower, anyway, I’ll wipe it up right now.

Q: Why was the floor wet according to the man?

16. M: The instructions on the package say that you need to some assembly yourself. I’ve spent all afternoon trying in vain to put this bookcase together,

W: I know what you mean, last time I tried to assemble a toy train for my son and I almost gave up.

Q: What does the man find difficult?

17. M: I’m getting worried about Jenny’s school work. All she talks about these days is volleyball games and all she does is practice, training and things like that.

W: Her grades on the coming exams will fall for sure. It’s high time we talk(ed) some sense to her.

Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?

18. W: Do you understand why the local people are opposed to the new dam up the river?

M: They are worried about the potential danger if the dam should break. The river is very wide above the proposed site.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


W: Right, well, in the studio this morning, for our interview spot is Peter Wilson. Peter works for Green Peace. So, Peter, welcome.

M: Thanks a lot. It’s good to be here.

W: Great! Now, Peter, perhaps you can tell us something about Green Peace and your job there.

M: Sure. Well, I’ll start by telling you roughly what Green Peace is all about. I actually work in London for the Green Peace organization. We’ve been going for a few decades and we’re a non-violent, non-political organization. We’re involved in anti-nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of our eco-system. I’m the action organizer and arrange any protests.

W: Great! A pretty important role, Peter. What sort of protest would you organize?

M: Well, recently we’ve been involved in anti-nuclear campaigns. I, personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean. We’ve got a few small Green Peace boats that we harass the dumping ship with.

W: Hey? Hold on, Peter. I thought you said your organization was non-violent. What do you mean by “harass”?

M: Well, we circle round and round the ships and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea. We talk to the men and try to change, you know, yell at them to stop. We generally make ourselves as much of a nuisance possible.

M: Well, people may think differently of your methods but there’s no doubt you’re doing a great job. Keep it up and good luck. And thanks for talking with us.

W: Thanks for having me.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversations you have just heard.

Q 22 What is the man’s chief responsibility in the Green Peace organization?

Q 23 What has Green Peace been involved in recently?

Q 24 How does Green Peace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?

Q 25 What is the woman’s attitude towards the Green Peace’s campaigns?












2015年12月英語六級翻譯真題及答案 (匯總版)02-16