
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-10-30 16:18:28 精品文摘 我要投稿
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  Everyone deals with discouragement at some point in their life. It’s part of what makes the human experience rich—the highs and the lows. If we didn’t experience the lows, then we wouldn’t appreciate the highs.


  Discouragement, disappointment, failure, and setbacks—these are all things that can help us if wemaintain an empowering mindset. The key to life is to learn from these experiences,and minimize the amount of time that we allow ourselves to stay discouraged. Sothe next time you start to feel discouragement, here is what you should do:


  1. Take the long view


  Discouragement generally occurs when our expectations (what we thinkshould happen) don’t align with reality (whatactually happens). In many cases our expectations are unrealistic, and thisoften has to do with how long we think things should happen. If we take alonger view, and relax our expectations a little, it can really help todecrease discouragement. The reality is that most things that are worthwhiletake a lot of effort and time to come to fruition. So be patient!


  2. Remember, there is no such thing as failure. There is onlyeducation


  When we feel like we have failed at something, discouragement oftenfollows. However, failure doesn’t really exist, except forthe meaning that we give it. If we don’tget the result that we want, when we want it, we just need to take new action. 當認為我們在某些事失敗之后,低落感也隨之而來。然而,失敗并不真正的存在,除非我們給事情賦予了失敗的含義。如果我們沒有及時得到想要的結(jié)果,只需要采取新的行動。與其把失敗當成是一件壞事,

  We can choose, instead of thinking of failure as bad, to think offailure as education, and therefore good. When we view it this way we realizethat failure isn’t something that is bad,or something to be avoided. It is simply feedback. When we think this way weease discouragement.


  3. Stay true to our vision. See it again in our mind


  If we are feeling discouraged, think about our vision. Think aboutwhat we want to create in our life. See it clearly. Feel what it would feellike if the image came into reality. What would this mean for us? How would wefeel. Once we see it, and feel it, we will also feel empowered and ourdiscouragement will dissipate.


  4. Don’t let our ego get in theway of our development


  Our ego is often the primary cause of our feelings of disappointmentand discouragement. It doesn’t have to be this way. Wecan control our ego. When we do this, we are on the path of development. Whenwe are internally strong enough to handle constructive criticism, and feedback,we receive the rewards of growth. Growth leads to happiness.


  5. Stop comparing ourself to others. We’re on a unique path


  A sure fire, 100% guaranteed way to get discouraged is to focus onother people in a comparative way. Here is why: we generally see theirvictories, successes, and strengths. We see what they have and what we don’t. We see why they are better than us. When wedo this we get discouraged and we feel sorry for ourselves. We don’t as easily see their struggles, their fears,their setbacks, and their failures.


  So don’t do it. It isn’t empowering. Don’t compare. We are on a unique path. It is great to be inspired byanother, but if by hearing another’sstory, we feel that we are lesser, then we need to just focus on our own path.


  6. Detach from rewards, focus on our actions and giving our bestwork


  If our sole motivation for doing something is the reward that wemight get from the action, then we are setting ourselves up for discouragement.Action should be its own reward. When it is, we are forever free. Freedom is atthe heart of happiness. When we don’tneed someone else’s praise for doingsomething, when we don’t need a “carrot”for performing our work, then we are truly free to just focus on our work andmake it great. When we create great work we are happy.


  7. Change our “rules” for being happy


  What rule do we have to be happy? What has to happen for us to feelsuccessful? Is it in our control? If it isn’t then we might be setting ourselves up for failure. By rules I meanthe set of circumstances that must be present for us to feel accomplished.


  We have to create rules that serve us. We have to live by rules thatare within our control. Here are some of my rules: I am successful when I growand improve. I am successful when I give my very best.


  8. Consider who we are spending time with


  The people who we spend the most time with might be a majorcontributing factor to feeling discouragement. This can be a very hard one,especially if those people are family and loved ones. We have a tendency tobecome who we most frequently associate with, and if we spend all our time withpeople who are constantly negative, and feeling sorry for themselves, we can beinfluenced to see life through a similar lens.


  So what can we do? We can’tsimply cut loved ones out of our lives. So what we should do is simply expandour social network. Join a peer group that is positive. Start to surroundourselves with positive people as a balance. Over time we will start to take ontheir mindset and this will help with any feelings of discouragement we mayhave.


  9. Get outside, move and breathe


  Fresh air and sunshine can have an amazing effect on our feelings.Sometimes when we are feeling down, all that we need to do is simply to gooutside and breathe. Movement and exercise is also a fantastic way to feelbetter. Positive emotions can be generated by motion. So if we start to feeldown, take some deep breathes, go outside, feel the fresh air, let the sun hitour face, go for a hike, a walk, a bike ride, a swim, a run, whatever. We willfeel better if we do this.


  10. Talk to our mentor


  Our mentor can be a great source of wisdom when we are feeling down.So when discouragement rears its ugly head, go have a coffee with our mentor.They will be able to give us wisdom based on experience. In many cases theywill also give us tough love and help us to snap out of it if we are feelingsorry for ourselves. They will also help us to make a specific plan of actionto work our way out of discouragement.


  11. Go find someone who we can help


  This is a great way to alleviate discouragement. Go find someone whoneeds help, and then help them. It is really that simple. When we serve others,when we go out of our way to help other people in need, we feel better. It isimpossible to be discouraged when we are giving all our efforts on behalf ofanother. Discouragement is a really a self-driven symptom. We are focusing onourselves. That is why we feel bad. However, when we stop thinking aboutourselves, and when we direct our attention to another, we feel better.












