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  [1]Mohammad Moshtari. Inter‐Organizational Fit, Relationship Management Capability, and Collaborative Performance within a Humanitarian Setting[J]. Prod Oper Manag,20XX,259:.

  [2]David B. Zoogah. Tribal diversity, human resources management practices, and firm performance[J]. Can J Adm Sci,20XX,333:.

  [3]Torsten Doering,Nallan C. Suresh. Forecasting and Performance: Conceptualizing Forecasting Management Competence as a Higher‐Order Construct[J]. J Supply Chain Manag,20XX,524:.

  [4]T. Danielle Samulski,Virginia A. LiVolsi,Lawrence Q. Wong,Zubair Baloch. Usage trends and performance characteristics of a “gene expression classifier” in the management of thyroid nodules: An institutional experience[J]. Diagn. Cytopathol.,20XX,4411:.

  [5]Arsalan Safari. A New Quantitative‐Based Performance Management Framework for Service Operations[J]. Know. Process Mgmt.,20XX,234:.

  [6]Ali M. Shahzad,Matthew A. Rutherford,Mark P. Sharfman. In Good Times but Not in Bad: The Role of Managerial Discretion in Moderating the Stakeholder Management and Financial Performance Relationship[J]. Business and Society Review,20XX,12XX:.

  [7]Martin Zühlke,Daniel Riebe,Toralf Beitz,Hans‐Gerd L?hmannsr?ben,Sandro Andreotti,Knut Reinert,Karl Zenichowski,Marc Diener. High‐performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization ion mobility spectrometry: Characterization, data management, and applications[J]. J. Sep. Science,20XX,3924:.

  [8]Erin K. Melton,Kenneth J. Meier. For the Want of a Nail: The Interaction of Managerial Capacity and Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance[J]. Public Admin Rev,20XX,771:.

  [9]Mostafa Khanamani,Yaghoub Fathipour,Ali Asghar Talebi,Mohammad Mehrabadi. Linking pollen quality and performance of Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in two‐spotted spider mite management programmes[J]. Pest. Manag. Sci.,20XX,732:.

  [10]Adrienn Kocsis,Tibor Takács,Csaba Jeney,Zsuzsa Schaff,Róbert Koiss,Balázs Járay,Gábor Sobel,Károly Pap,István Székely,Tamás Ferenci,Hung‐Cheng Lai,Miklós Nyíri,Márta Benczik. Performance of a new HPV and biomarker assay in the management of hrHPV positive women: Subanalysis of the ongoing multicenter TRACE clinical trial ( n > 6,000) to evaluate POU4F3 methylation as a potential biomarker of cervical precancer and cancer[J]. Int. J. Cancer,20XX,XX05:.

  [11]Liz Done,Mike Murphy,Mia Watt. Change management and the SENCo role: developing key performance indicators in the strategic development of inclusivity[J]. Support for Learning,20XX,3XX:.

  [12]Tae Hyung Kim,M. Jae Moon. Using Social Enterprises for Social Policy in South Korea: Do Funding and Management Affect Social and Economic Performance?[J]. Public Admin. Dev.,20XX,371:.

  [13]Prashant Kale,Harbir Singh. Management of Overseas Acquisitions by Developing Country Multinationals and Its Performance Implications: The Indian Example[J]. Thunderbird International Business Review,20XX,592:.

  [XX]Rafael Arantes,Rodrigo Schveitzer,Caio Magnotti,Katt Regina Lapa,Luis Vinatea. A comparison between water exchange and settling tank as a method for suspended solids management in intensive biofloc technology systems: effects on shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) performance, water quality and water use[J]. Aquac Res,20XX,484:.

  [XX]Simone Fanelli,Marco Ferretti,Antonello Zangrandi. The impact of regional policies on emergency department management and performance: the case of the regional government of Sicily[J]. Int J Health Plann Mgmt,20XX,321:.



  [18]Guan Fanglan,Zhang Luoyu,Li Yinghui. Color management for enhancing the performance of superfine nylon ink jet printing with reactive dyes inks[J]. Color Res. Appl.,20XX,423:.

  [19]Ying Yang,Dong‐Ling Xu. A methodology for assessing the effect of portfolio management on NPD performance based on Bayesian network scenarios[J]. Expert Systems,20XX,342:.

  [20]Gary Cokins. Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and the Digital Revolution[J]. Perf. Improv.,20XX,564:.

  [21]Anirut Pipatprapa,Hsiang‐Hsi Huang,Ching‐Hsu Huang. The Role of Quality Management & Innovativeness on Green Performance[J]. Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt.,20XX,243:.

  [22]C. Allen Gorman,John P. Meriac,Sylvia G. Roch,Joshua L. Ray,Jason S. Gamble. An exploratory study of current performance management practices: Human resource executives' perspectives[J]. Int J Select Assess,20XX,252:.


  [23]John C. Adams,Takeshi Nishikawa,Ramesh P. Rao. Mutual Fund Performance, Management Teams, and Boards[J]. Journal of Banking and Finance,20XX,:.

  [24]C. Silva,J. Saldanha Matos,M.J. Rosa. Performance indicators and indices of sludge management in urban wastewater treatment plants[J]. Journal of Environmental Management,20XX,:.

  [25]Kais Brik,Faouzi ben Ammar. Improved performance and energy management strategy for proton exchange membrane fuel cell/backup battery in power electronic systems[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,20XX,:.

  [26]Patrik J.G. Henriksson,Malcolm Dickson,Ahmed Nasr Allah,Diaa Al-Kenawy,Michael Phillips. Benchmarking the environmental performance of best management practice and genetic improvements in Egyptian aquaculture using life cycle assessment[J]. Aquaculture,20XX,468:.

  [27]Ruoqi Geng,S. Afshin Mansouri,Emel Aktas. The relationship between green supply chain management and performance: A meta-analysis of empirical evidences in Asian emerging economies[J]. International Journal of Production Economics,20XX,:.

  [28]Chiara Masci,Kristof De Witte,Tommaso Agasisti. The influence of school size, principal characteristics and school management practices on educational performance: An efficiency analysis of Italian students attending middle schools[J]. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,20XX,:.

  [29]J. Román-Padilla,A. Rodríguez-Rúa,M. Ponce,M. Manchado,I. Hachero-Cruzado. Effects of dietary lipid profile on larval performance and lipid management in Senegalese sole[J]. Aquaculture,20XX,468:.

  [30]Katri Kauppi,Annachiara Longoni,Federico Caniato,Markku Kuula. Managing country disruption risks and improving operational performance: risk management along integrated supply chains[J]. International Journal of Production Economics,20XX,:.

  [31]Cindy Yoonjoung Heo. New performance indicators for restaurant revenue management: ProPASH and ProPASM[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management,20XX,:.

  [32]J. De Waele,K. D'Haene,J. Salomez,G. Hofman,S. De Neve. Simulating the environmental performance of post-harvest management measures to comply with the EU Nitrates Directive[J]. Journal of Environmental Management,20XX,:.

  [33]Dapeng Liang,Tiansen Liu. Does environmental management capability of Chinese industrial firms improve the contribution of corporate environmental performance to economic performance? Evidence from 2010 to 20XX[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,20XX,:.

  [34]?. Bodin,D. Nohrstedt. Formation and performance of collaborative disaster management networks: Evidence from a Swedish wildfire response[J]. Global Environmental Change,20XX,41:.

  [35]Alessandro Sarra,Marialisa Mazzocchitti,Agnese Rapposelli. Evaluating Joint Environmental and Cost Performance in Municipal Waste Management Systems through Data Envelopment Analysis: Scale Effects and Policy Implications[J]. Ecological Indicators,20XX,:.

  [36]Gokce S. Avcioglu,Berker Ficicilar,Inci Eroglu. Influence of FEP nanoparticles in catalyst layer on water management and performance of PEM fuel cell with high Pt loading[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,20XX,:.

  [37]. Digital management system controls, monitors and analyses seal performance[J]. Sealing Technology,20XX,20XX10:.

  [38]Jiateng Zhao,Peizhao Lv,Zhonghao Rao. Experimental study on the thermal management performance of phase change material coupled with heat pipe for cylindrical power battery pack[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,20XX,:.

  [39]Necmi Karagozoglu. Antecedents of team performance on case studies in a strategic management capstone course[J]. International Journal of Management Education,20XX,:.

  [40]Anuradha Pughat,Vidushi Sharma. Performance Analysis of an Improved Dynamic Power Management Model in Wireless Sensor Node[J]. Digital Communications and Networks,20XX,:.

  [41]Inma ?lvarez-Fernández,Nuria Fernández,Noela Sánchez-Carnero,Juan Freire. The management performance of marine protected areas in the North-east Atlantic Ocean[J]. Marine Policy,20XX,76:.

  [42]Chantel R. Wetzel,André Punt. The performance and trade-offs of alternative harvest control rules to meet management goals for U.S. west coast flatfish stocks[J]. Fisheries Research,20XX,187:.

  [43]?zer Uygun,Ay?e Dede. Performance evaluation of green supply chain management using integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision making techniques[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering,20XX,102:.

  [44]Ajay Raghavan,Peter Kiesel,Lars Wilko Sommer,Julian Schwartz,Alexander Lochbaum,Alex Hegyi,Andreas Schuh,Kyle Arakaki,Bhaskar Saha,Anurag Ganguli,Kyung Ho Kim,ChaeAh Kim,Hoe Jin Hah,SeokKoo Kim,Gyu-Ok Hwang,Geun-Chang Chung,Bokkyu Choi,Mohamed Alamgir. Embedded fiber-optic sensing for accurate internal monitoring of cell state in advanced battery management systems part 1: Cell embedding method and performance[J]. Journal of Power Sources,20XX,:.


  [45]Ramit Debnath,Ronita Bardhan. Daylight Performance of a Naturally Ventilated Building as Parameter for Energy Management[J]. Energy Procedia,20XX,90:.

  [46]Graham Currie,Rico Merkert. Workshop 1 report: Innovations in Service Delivery and Performance Management[J]. Research in Transportation Economics,20XX,:.

  [47]Piero Danti,Lorenzo Pezzola,Sandro Magnani. Performance Analysis of an Optimization Management Algorithm on a Multi-generation Small Size Power Plant[J]. Energy Procedia,20XX,101:.

  [48]Salih ?etiner,Alev ?etin duran,Filiz Kibar,Akgün Yaman. Performance comparison of new generation HCV core antigen test versus HCV RNA test in management of hepatitis C virus infection[J]. Transfusion and Apheresis Science,20XX,:.

  [49]V.S. Machado,R.C. Neves,F.S. Lima,R.C. Bicalho. The effect of Presynch-Ovsynch protocol with or without estrus detection on reproductive performance by parity, and the long-term effect of these different management strategies on milk production, reproduction, health and survivability of dairy cows[J]. Theriogenology,20XX,93:.

  [50]Chiung-Lin Liu,Kuo-Chung Shang,Taih-Cherng Lirn,Kee-Hung Lai,Y.H. Venus Lun. Supply Chain Resilience, Firm Performance, and Management Policies in the Liner Shipping Industry[J]. Transportation Research Part A,20XX,:.

  [51]F. Cucchiella,M. Gastaldi,M. Miliacca. The management of greenhouse gas emissions and its effects on firm performance[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,20XX,:.

  [52]Juneho Um,Andrew Lyons,Hugo K.S. Lam,T.C.E. Cheng,Carine Dominguez-Pery. Product variety management and supply chain performance: A capability perspective on their relationships and competitiveness implications[J]. International Journal of Production Economics,20XX,187:.

  [53]Weixiong Wu,Xiaoqing Yang,Guoqing Zhang,Kai Chen,Shuangfeng Wang. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of heat pipe-assisted phase change material based battery thermal management system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,20XX,138:.

  [54]Michael J. Turner,Sean A. Way,Demian Hodari,Wiarda Witteman. Hotel property performance: The role of strategic management accounting[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management,20XX,63:.

  [55]Carolyn Callahan,Jared Soileau. Does Enterprise risk management enhance operating performance?[J]. Advances in Accounting,20XX,:.

  [56]Marc Colaco,Maxx K. Caveney,Ryan P. Terlecki. Performance of adult pyeloplasty relative to endourological management in the era of robotic surgery: Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample[J]. Urology Practice,20XX,:.

  [57]J. Carmona-Murillo,I. Soto,F. J. Rodríguez-Pérez,D. Cortés-Polo,J. L. González-Sánchez,Juan C. Cano. Performance Evaluation of Distributed Mobility Management Protocols: Limitations and Solutions for Future Mobile Networks[J]. Mobile Information Systems,20XX,20XX:.

  [58]Aloysius Byaruhanga. Contractor Monitoring and Performance of Road Infrastructure Projects in Uganda: A Management Model[J]. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research,20XX,0501:.

  [59]Sachin Modgil,Sanjay Sharma. Total productive maintenance, total quality management and operational performance[J]. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering,20XX,224:.

  [60]Peter Heisig,Olunifesi Adekunle Suraj,Aino Kianto,Cosmas Kemboi,Gregorio Perez Arrau,Nasser Fathi Easa. Knowledge management and business performance: global experts' views on future research needs[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,20XX,206:.

  [61]. The influence of information, knowledge and technology management on the performance of manufacturing enterprises[J]. Strategic Direction,20XX,3211:.

  [62]Stephen Korutaro Nkundabanyanga,Brendah Akankunda,Irene Nalukenge,Immaculate Tusiime. The impact of financial management practices and competitive advantage on the loan performance of MFIs[J]. International Journal of Social Economics,20XX,441:.

  [63]Shradha Ashok Gawankar,Sachin Kamble,Rakesh Raut. An investigation of the relationship between supply chain management practices (SCMP) on supply chain performance measurement (SCPM) of Indian retail chain using SEM[J]. Benchmarking: An International Journal,20XX,241:.

  [64]Chieh-Peng Lin,Min-Ling Liu,Sheng-Wuu Joe,Yuan-Hui Tsai. Predicting top management approval and team performance in technology industry[J]. Personnel Review,20XX,461:.

  [65]Lisa Rogan,Ruth Boaden. Understanding performance management in primary care[J]. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,20XX,301:.

  [66]Huy Quang Truong,Maria Sameiro,Ana Cristina Fernandes,Paulo Sampaio,Binh An Thi Duong,Hiep Hoang Duong,Estela Vilhenac. Supply chain management practices and firms' operational performance[J]. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,20XX,342:.


  [67]Hadi Shirouyehzad,Farimah Mokhatab Rafiee,Negin Berjis. Performance evaluation and prioritization of organizations based on knowledge management and safety management approaches using DEA[J]. Journal of Modelling in Management,20XX,121:.

  [68]Vishal Singh Patyal,Maddulety Koilakuntla. The impact of quality management practices on performance: an empirical study[J]. Benchmarking: An International Journal,20XX,242:.

  [69]Ra'ed Masa'deh,Rifat Shannak,Mahmoud Maqableh,Ali Tarhini. The impact of knowledge management on job performance in higher education[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,20XX,302:.

  [70]Mohsen Sadegh Amalnick,Mansour Zarrin. Performance assessment of human resource by integration of HSE and ergonomics and EFQM management system[J]. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,20XX,302:.

  [71]Fan Yang,Xiongfei Zhang. The impact of sustainable supplier management practices on buyer-supplier performance[J]. Review of International Business and Strategy,20XX,271:.

  [72]Jens K. Roehrich,Stefan U. Hoejmose,Victoria Overland. Driving green supply chain management performance through supplier selection and value internalisation[J]. International Journal of Operations & Production Management,20XX,374:.

  [73]Aradhana Vikas Gandhi,Ateeque Shaikh,Pratima Amol Sheorey. Impact of supply chain management practices on firm performance[J]. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,20XX,454:.

  [74]Ahmad Fathi Al-Sa'di,Ayman Bahjat Abdallah,Samer Eid Dahiyat. The mediating role of product and process innovations on the relationship between knowledge management and operational performance in manufacturing companies in Jordan[J]. Business Process Management Journal,20XX,232:.

  [75]Alex Koohang,Joanna Paliszkiewicz,Jerzy Goluchowski. The impact of leadership on trust, knowledge management, and organizational performance[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems,20XX,1XX3:.

  [76]Lokesh Vijayvargy,Jitesh Thakkar,Gopal Agarwal. Green supply chain management practices and performance[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,20XX,283:.

  [77]Daniele Giampaoli,Massimo Ciambotti,Nick Bontis. Knowledge management, problem solving and performance in top Italian firms[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,20XX,212:.

  [78]Anupam Kumar,David E. Cantor,Curtis M. Grimm,Christian Hofer. Environmental management rivalry and firm performance[J]. Journal of Strategy and Management,20XX,102:.

  [79]Laura Bini,Francesco Dainelli,Francesco Giunta. Is a loosely specified regulatory intervention effective in disciplining management commentary? The case of performance indicator disclosure[J]. Journal of Management & Governance,20XX,211:.

  [80]Simon Holmbacka,Erwan Nogues,Maxime Pelcat,Sébastien Lafond,Daniel Menard,Johan Lilius. Energy-Awareness and Performance Management with Parallel Dataflow Applications[J]. Journal of Signal Processing Systems,20XX,871:.

  [81]Roop Kishore,Ashish Dwivedi,Raghuvir Singh,R. K. Naresh,Vineet Kumar,Priyanka Bankoti,Dinesh Kumar Sharma,Nishant Yadav. Integrated effect of population and weed management regimes on weed dynamics, performance, and productivity of basmati rice ( Oryza sativa L.)[J]. Paddy and Water Environment,20XX,XX1:.

  [82]Encarnación García-Sánchez,Víctor Jesús García-Morales,María Teresa Bolívar-Ramos. The influence of top management support for ICTs on organisational performance through knowledge acquisition, transfer, and utilisation[J]. Review of Managerial Science,20XX,111:.

  [83]Marek Vochozka,Anna Marou?ková。 Implications of the EU green energy policy on financial performance of crop production and water management of topsoil[J]. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,20XX,192:.

  [84]Juan José Tarí,Jorge Pereira-Moliner,Eva M. Pertusa-Ortega,María D. López-Gamero,José F. Molina-Azorín. Does quality management improve performance or vice versa? Evidence from the hotel industry[J]. Service Business,20XX,111:.

  [85]Achara Taweesan,Thammarat Koottatep,Kouassi Dongo. Factors influencing the performance of faecal sludge management services: case study in Thailand municipalities[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability,20XX,191:.

  [86]Rana Basu,Prabha Bhola. Impact of quality management practices on performance stimulating growth[J]. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,20XX,338:.

  [87]Satish Mehra,Joshua T Coleman. Implementing capabilities-based quality management and marketing strategies to improve business performance[J]. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,20XX,338:.

  [88]. Indeni, Ltd.; Patent Issued for Apparatus for Real-Time Management of the Performance of Security Components of a Network System (USPTO 9460045)[J]. Journal of Engineering,20XX,:.


  [89]. Rev Launches Performance Management Platform[J]. Wireless News,20XX,:.

  [90]. Waste Management Research; Researchers from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines d'Ales Detail Findings in Waste Management Research [Influence of impurities on the performances of HIPS recycled from Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)][J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,20XX,:.

  [91]Peter Heisig,Olunifesi Adekunle Suraj,Aino Kianto,Cosmas Kemboi,Gregorio Perez Arrau,Nasser Fathi Easa. Knowledge management and business performance: global experts' views on future research needs[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,20XX,206:.

  [92]. Conservation Research; New Conservation Research Findings Has Been Reported by Investigators at Curtin University (Performance evaluation and benchmarking of global waste management systems)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,20XX,:.

  [93]. Wireless Communication Companies; Patent Issued for Automated Communications Device Field Testing, Performance Management, and Resource Allocation (USPTO 9462496)[J]. Telecommunications Weekly,20XX,:.

  [94]. Air Transport Management; Findings from T. Blondiau et al Has Provided New Information about Air Transport Management (ACCHANGE: Building economic models to analyse the performance of air navigation service providers)[J]. Journal of Transportation,20XX,:.

  [95]. Network and Systems Management; Data on Network and Systems Management Reported by Researchers at University of Sfax (Performance evaluation of legacy QCN for multicast and multiple unicast traffic transmission)[J]. Network Weekly News,20XX,:.

  [96]. Navigant Research; ABB and IBM Rank as Leading Vendors of Asset Performance Management Solutions in Navigant Research Assessment[J]. Journal of Engineering,20XX,:.

  [97]. Air Transport Management; New Air Transport Management Study Results Reported from N. Halpern et al (Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance)[J]. Journal of Transportation,20XX,:.

  [98]Anonymous. Site Management Plays Key Role In Optimizing Tire Performance[J]. Rock Products,20XX,11910:.

  [99]. Green Technology; Studies from University of Science Malaysia Provide New Data on Green Technology (Barriers to and enablers of sustainability integration in the performance management systems of an oil and gas company)[J]. Energy Weekly News,20XX,:.

  [100]. Barghest Building Performance; Barghest Building Performance Wins 20XX Frost & Sullivan Award for 'Energy Management Solutions Entrepreneurial Company of the Year'[J]. Energy Weekly News,20XX,:.

  [101]. Science; Findings on Science Reported by Investigators at Louisiana State University (Performance and cross-crop resistance of Cry1F-maize selected Spodoptera frugiperda on transgenic Bt cotton: implications for resistance management)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [102]. Nitrogen; Data on Nitrogen Reported by P. Garofalo and Colleagues (Sweet sorghum in a bioethanol supply chain: effects of different soil and nitrogen management on energy performances and greenhouse gas emissions)[J]. Energy Weekly News,20XX,:.

  [103]. Office of Human Resources Management; 5 U.S.C. 43XX(c)(4); Performance Review Board Membership[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,20XX,812XX:.

  [104]. Science; New Management Science Data Have Been Reported by Researchers at University of Texas (How Organizations Communicate Expertise Without Experts: Practices and Performances of Knowledge-Intensive Firms)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [105]Anonymous. MSC Shipmanagement chooses RINA software for fleet performance management[J]. Ocean News & Technology,20XX,:.

  [106]. Science; Studies in the Area of Management Science Reported from Hebrew University (The performance of a single-server queue with preemptive random priorities)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [107]Tobias Schoenherr. Mobile Devices and Applications for Supply Chain Management: Process, Contingency, and Performance Effects[J]. Transportation Journal,20XX,554:.

  [108]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math Science Annual Performance Report[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,20XX,81243:.

  [109]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; National Professional Development Program: Grantee Performance Report[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,20XX,81250:.

  [110]Jamie Carpenter. Development management - Why the reach of a performance regime is set to grow[J]. Planning,20XX,:.


  [111]. Science - Administrative Science; Researchers from Morgan State University Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Administrative Science (Tribal diversity, human resources management practices, and firm performance)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [112]. Science; Reports from A. Di Franco et al Highlight Recent Findings in Science (Five key attributes can increase marine protected areas performance for small-scale fisheries management)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [113]. Science - Management Science; Researchers from Aalto University Report Findings in Management Science (Managing country disruption risks and improving operational performance: risk management along integrated supply chains)[J]. Bioterrorism Week,20XX,:.

  [1XX]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program Performance Report[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,20XX,81250:.

  [1XX]. Energy; New Energy Study Findings Have Been Reported from University of Perugia (Solid oxide fuel cell modelling: Electrochemical performance and thermal management during load-following operation)[J]. Energy Weekly News,20XX,:.

  [1XX]. Science - Management Science; New Management Science Study Findings Reported from Lancaster University (On the performance of overlapping and non-overlapping temporal demand aggregation approaches)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [1XX]Cheryl Jekiel. Three steps to improve performance management[J]. Plant Engineering,20XX,7010:.

  [118]. Science - Management Science; Researchers from Corvinus University Report New Studies and Findings in the Area of Management Science (The impact of subsidiaries' internal and external integration on operational performance)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [119]Sachin Modgil,Sanjay Sharma. Total productive maintenance, total quality management and operational performance[J]. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering,20XX,224:.

  [120]Denise M Leggett,Linda M Parsons,Austin L Reitenga. Real Earnings Management and Subsequent Operating Performance[J]. IUP Journal of Operations Management,20XX,XX4:.

  [121]. Science - Social Science; Data on Social Science Detailed by Researchers at University of Stirling (“If you are having a go at me, I am going to have a go at you': the changing nature of social relationships of bank work under performance management)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [122]. Science - Management Science; Researchers from Korea University Report Recent Findings in Management Science (Performance analysis of IEEE 802.XX.4 superfrarne structure with the inactive period)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [123]. Science - Management Science; Data on Management Science Reported by I. Horvath and Co-Researchers (Mean field for performance models with deterministic delays and interrupts)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [124]. Science; University of Malaya Reports Findings in Management Science (Social media's impact on organizational performance and entrepreneurial orientation in organizations)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [125]Ra'ed Masa'deh,Rifat Shannak,Mahmoud Maqableh,Ali Tarhini. The impact of knowledge management on job performance in higher education[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,20XX,302:.

  [126]. Science - Management Science; Study Findings on Management Science Are Outlined in Reports from Hofstra University (Optimizing environmental expenditures for maximizing economic performance)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [127]. Science; Findings on Administrative Science Reported by Investigators at University of Central Florida (Structure and Network Performance: Horizontal and Vertical Networks in Emergency Management)[J]. Science Letter,20XX,:.

  [128]. Solar Energy; Research Conducted at Department of Mechanical Engineering Has Provided New Information about Solar Energy (Experimental performance evaluation and modeling of jet impingement cooling for thermal management of photovoltaics)[J]. Energy Weekly News,20XX,:.

  [129]Huy Quang Truong,Maria Sameiro,Ana Cristina Fernandes,Paulo Sampaio,Binh An Thi Duong,Hiep Hoang Duong,Estela Vilhenac. Supply chain management practices and firms' operational performance[J]. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,20XX,342:.

  [130]. Security; New Security Management Findings Has Been Reported by Investigators at University of Lausanne (Criminals and signals: An assessment of criminal performance in the carding underworld)[J]. Bioterrorism Week,20XX,:.









